by Roy C. Smith
With the stock market rallied and his cabinet positions mostly
filled, Donald Trump has given New Yorkers a break from the midtown congestion
that his presidency-elect has created by relocating to Palm Beach where his
signature comings-and-goings have continued at Mar-a-Largo as he contemplates what will be on his plate after
January 20.
This, of course, is quite a lot. He promised to do a great many
things during his anti-establishment, shake-things-up campaign: A tax cut and
reform bill, the repeal and replacement of Obama-care, the dismantling of
Dodd-Frank, increased spending for public infrastructure and defense, and the
cancellation of hundreds of executive orders issued by the Obama
administration. That and renegotiating
NAFTA, erecting the wall, sorting out unfair trade practices by the Chinese,
and defeating ISIS.
But, Mr. Trump will soon experience a reality of Washington
life that the colorful, long-serving former Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill
pointed out - that “running for office is much easier than running the office.”
From Jimmy Carter on, every incoming president except George H. W. Bush had no experience of government at the national level when taking
office. Nor had many of their key advisers, though Mr. Trump’s key advisers as
a group will be far less experienced in governing than any of the other
Tip O’Neill also is reported to have said that if a
president is popular there are few limits on what can get done. That would be
because Congress is a weather vane for popular opinion. If it points to a tax cut, as it did for
Ronald Reagan in 1981, then Democrats compete with Republicans for getting credit
in delivering one.
Popularity has to be defined, however, as being beyond the
base – i.e., having a majority support from voters, broad support from one’s
own party, and preferably some support on important issues by members of the
opposition party. Only twice in the last 100 years has the winner of the vote
in the Electoral College (established in the Constitution to apportion votes by
states) actually not received a majority of the popular vote – In 2000, Al Gore
received 0.51% more votes than George W. Bush, and in 2016, Hillary Clinton
received 2.09% more popular votes than Mr. Trump.
However, Presidential popularity is usually measured by job
approval ratings from professionally conducted polls. The Gallup Organization
has conducted such polls since 1945, and divides then into a president’s first
and second four-year terms (4 of the last 12 presidents had only one term).
Most of what most presidents accomplish is accomplished in the first term,
after which (in 9 of 12 cases) – their job approval ratings declined.
The following is the Gallup first-term job approval ratings
for the last 12 presidents:
Johnson 74%
Kennedy* 70
Eisenhower 69.6
George W.
Bush 62
George H.W.
Bush* 61
Nixon 56
Truman 56
Reagan 50
Clinton 49.6
Obama 49
Gerald Ford* 47
Carter* 45.5
* One-term Presidents
Mr. Trump does not yet have a job approval rating, but his popular
support was measured at 41% in national polls just before Christmas.
Job approval measures, of course, also reflect unexpected
events - wars, terrorist attacks, economic problems, civil disasters, etc.
Presidents can be lucky (Reagan, Clinton) to step into office just as a sharp
economic recovery had begun, or unlucky to assume office when the economy is
collapsing (Carter, Obama). Still, America’s greatest presidents are still seen
to be those who guided the country through very difficult times (Washington,
Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt).
Of the 12 presidencies noted above, seven began with the
president’s party controlling both house of Congress, which helps a lot in
getting things done. But, holding on to that control is another thing, the last
four presidencies began with control of Congress but lost it in subsequent
This may be because of two relatively new elements in modern
political life: first a deep cynicism about the ability of federal government to make
much of anything better; government is run by self-serving politicians who let
partisan or parochial interests get in the way of improving the common good.
The 56.6% turnout in the 2016 presidential election suggests that a very large
percent of the electorate no longer think their votes will change anything.
The other element is that a significant percentage of those
who do vote are focused on just a few main issues to which they are passionately
committed – to the point of being uncompromising.
Because of a quirk of Electoral College voting allocation,
Mr. Trump won the election with the support of only 47.9% of 56.6% of eligible voters
(i.e., only 27.2% of the total electorate, some of which voted for Trump only because
they liked Hillary less). This is hardly the popular landslide Tip O’Neill had
in mind.
And as of January 20th, Mr. Trump is going to
have to start running the office. In
significant part this means delivering at least some of what he promised to the
disillusioned and discontented part of the electorate that turned to him to
shake things up. But, it is hard to turn what he has called “disasters” (the
economy, health care, nuclear treaties, trade policy, military activity in the
Middle East) into “beautiful” things.
This would be a tall order even if there were clear cut
plans waiting to be taken to a supportive Congress. Given the mercurial support
recent Congressional majorities have received from voters, Mr. Trump must keep
his eye on maintaining Republican control in the Senate, which contains many
Republicans who strongly opposed Mr. Trump’s nomination and who must run for reelection
in two-years. If he loses their support, or if voters shift control of the
Senate to Democrats, he will be left with nothing much but reversible executive
orders to establish his legacy with, just like Mr. Obama.
Governing is hard enough. Doing it with a government of
anti-establishment types without governing experience is even harder. But the
economy may be picking up on its own, the markets have been very supportive of
Trump policies so far, and it may be that the best solutions to today’s
difficult problems are those achieved by compromise, or trial and error, and
deal men like Donald Trump know how to do both.